TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT? A Bystander’s Perspective

This rhetoric and the promise to make entering the United States difficult for Muslims is just the kind that the extreme Americans want to hear and Trump is unafraid and unapologetic to say it out loud. To most of his supporters and fans, he is a breath of fresh air and America is in dire need of fresh air.

I have never really been interested in politics. Being from my part of the world, I was quick to learn that the system is mostly plagued with individuals more concerned about their personal benefits and lacing their pockets, than effecting real policies that can positively shape society and create a greater nation for future generations to come. i

Paradoxically, I have been drawn to a few elections that represented the beginning of new possibilities. The United States 2008 presidential election was one of those. A black man was a leading candidate for President of the United States! A black man married to an intelligent black woman and with an African father, that alone was sufficient reason to be drawn to the election. I am not American, I couldn’t vote but I rooted for him. Most of the black race, irrespective of country, did. Not just because he was black, but because it had become a possibility that a brilliant and politically savvy man, irrespective of his skin colour, could become the president of the most powerful country in the world. This symbolised the growth and hope for humanity, once again with America setting the pace. It is this type of possibility that truly makes America great, earning its label as the ‘land of the free’.

With Obama’s presidency almost over and the bells for a new presidential Read more